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Banja Umodzi is committed to transparency and accountability with regard to any donations we receive.


To date, 100% of our donations have gone directly to individuals in need. 

All administrative costs are covered by Banja Umodzi itself. Our goal is to maintain this 100% commitment as long as we can without compromising the mission of the organization.

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Banja Umodzi is a 501(c)(3), tax-exempt charitable organization registered in the state of Pennsylvania (USA) and headquartered in Blantyre, Malawi. All donations are tax-deductible in the U.S. 

Our practice is to collect donations for specific projects, which we announce through social media and our website. For those interested in learning more about general donations or interested in donating to certain sectors, email us.

Our current project is flood relief for those impacted by Cyclone Ana. Our ongoing projects include building water wells, homes, providing food relief and supporting orphan education.

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